Saturday, September 13, 2008

Development Journalism

After discussions of UNESCO, NWICO, and the expansion of cultures through reporting, the idea of Developmental Journalism was proposed. This idea has media promoting "good values" of the modern world and help the traditional societies become more democratic. This strategy essentially unites the media and government, and essentially protects [bad] political stories from making the headlines.

In my opinion, there is no surprise that this concept is popular among dictatorships and frowned upon by the West. Our First Amendment gives the press the freedom to report on what it feels in the most newsworthy, and while objectivity and credibility may come into question, the right to report should not. Some say that Development Journalism promote a national media and humanitarian needs, but I say that is promotes complacency. The Fourth Estate exists to keep an eye on government and report on all decisions (for better or worse), and taking away that privileges essentially takes away the definition of a true watchdog journalist.

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